Sunday, June 20, 2010

High Protein Fruit Smoothie

Whether you have a decreased appetite, are losing weight, hate the store bought nutrition supplements, or just want to try something new, check out this video!

Here we show you how to make a high protein fruit smoothie that is perfect for a small snack or to compensate for a missed or skipped meal.

How to make a high protein fruit smoothie!

Tropical Berry Smoothie - 1 Serving
- 6 oz Pineapple Juice
- 1/2 cup blueberries
- 1/2 cup chopped strawberries
- 4 oz yogurt
- 1 scoop protein Powder
- Ice as desired

Approx Nutrition Content:
320 Calories, 36 g Protein

Cancer Myths - Questions Answered!

Many people are worried about what foods cause cancer or what house hold items may increase cancer risk. The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) had a live chat answering real questions and concerns about cancer risks.

Click here to read their full transcript!

Organic or Local Foods? Does it Matter?

Eating 5 fruits and vegetables, no matter where they came from used to be enough. But now people are starting to worry about where there food comes from or if it is organic. So what should you be eating? To get the most from your fruits and veggies, try and follow these rules as best as you can:
  • Try to buy local, within 100 miles of your home - the foods are picked at their freshest and they retain more nutrients. Plus at local farms they tend to use less pesticides.
  • If you can't buy local, go organic for any foods that you eat the skin - apples, strawberries, tomatoes. These tend to hold more pesticides than things like bananas or oranges where the skin is removed.
How can you find these foods? Many grocery stores are starting to support local farmers and offer organic options. Farmers markets are a great place and often times less expensive than the grocery store. The Mayo Clinic Blog has some suggestions about Farmers Markets, Click Here!

Click here for a full list of what foods to try to eat organic.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Why are you losing weight?

If you find that your appetite is diminished or you've lost weight, your new favorite foods should be PROTEIN. Protein includes all animal products, like beef, chicken, and fish. It also includes dairy products, like cheese and yogurt, as well as nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes!

Cancer and treatments can make your metabolism increase and you can lose weight in the form of muscle very easily.

When you lose muscle you can become more tired and feel weaker. It is important to eat ADEQUATE CALORIES and INCREASED PROTEIN. Small frequent meals that include high calorie protein foods is a great way to increase your food intake and decrease weight loss.

Click here for our list of high protein foods!

Decreased appetite? Try small frequent meals!

Small Frequent Meals are a great way to increase your daily calories without stuffing yourself.

Try to eat:
- Every 3 hours
- Avoid drinking 30 minutes prior to meals (it can make you feel full)
- Add calories to your foods like margarine or butter, whole milk, or brown sugar

Here is a sample meal plan to try!
Scrambled Egg (1-2 eggs)
Toast with Margarine (1-2 slices of bread)
Small Glass of Juice

Mid Morning Snack:
6 oz Yogurt
Small Piece of Fruit

1/2 Turkey Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread
Small Bowl Vegetable Soup

Mid Day Snack:
Handful of Cheese cubes
6-8 crackers

Small Chicken Breast
1/2 cup rice
1/2 cup steamed carrots

Evening Meal:
1/2 cup Vanilla Ice Cream
2 Tbsp warmed up peanut butter (pour over ice cream)

Click Here to see a full list of high protein foods!

Cancer and Nutrition: 101

This site is to help oncology patients and their families deal with the many nutritional issues that come along with cancer and their treatments.

Eating is very personal, it brings togetherness and joy and good memories. When that is affected it can affect quality of life and morale. I hope to bring information to improve quality of life and well being by providing helpful and practical information.

Look for information on:
- Decreased Appetite
- Taste Changes
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Complimentary Nutrition
- Nutritional Supplements
- High Calorie Recipes
- High Protein Foods
- Antioxidants
... just to name a few!!

I also will bring up to date information on diet and nutrition as it relates to cancer and different treatments. Please add comments and questions, each person experiences side effects differently and we all can learn together. Posts will be updated every 2-3 days to bring new information. Weekly video instructions will be posted to provide a more hands on feel on making changes in your diet.